F | Cl | Br | I | At | |
F | |||||
Cl | |||||
Br | |||||
I | |||||
At | — |
目前未發現有由三種或以上的鹵素組成的互鹵化物,[1] 儘管一些書籍說明IFCl
2 和 IF
2Cl 已被合成,[2][3][4][5] 並且理論上,通式為 BrClF
[編輯]互鹵化物都是小分子共價化合物。熔點、沸點都較低。大多不穩定(常見的鹵素互化物的反應活性為ClF3﹥BrF5﹥IF7﹥ClF﹥BrF3﹥IF5﹥BrF ),易水解,並且各種化合物水解產物也不盡相同。水解產物中如果有不穩定的物種如次碘酸、亞氯酸等的存在則這些產物有可能繼續分解,生成更多的產物。如三氟化溴與水反應的產物包括溴酸、溴單質、氧氣和氟化氫等,另外一些反應活性更高的物質如三氟化氯與水則甚至產生如二氟化氧、一氟氧化氯等更多產物。
一些互鹵化物,如 BrF3、 IF5和 ICl是好的鹵化 劑。 BrF5 太活潑而不能產生氟。 除此之外,一氯化碘具有多種用途,包括幫助測量油脂的飽和度,以及作為某些化學反應的催化劑。 還有一些互鹵化物,包括 IF7,可用於合成多鹵陰離子。[1]
[編輯]擬鹵素也能形成類似的互鹵化物。其中包括 疊氮化鹵(FN3, ClN3, BrN3和 IN3) 和鹵化氰 (FCN, ClCN, BrCN和 ICN)。擬鹵素之間也能形成類似的互鹵化物,例如氰和疊氮形成的疊氮化氰。
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Saxena, P. B. Chemistry Of Interhalogen Compounds. 2007 [February 27, 2013]. ISBN 9788183562430.
- ^ Greenwood, Norman Neill; Earnshaw, Alan. Chemistry of the elements. 2016: 824. ISBN 978-0-7506-3365-9. OCLC 1040112384 (英語).
- ^ Meyers, Robert A. (編). Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Inorganic Chemistry 3rd. Academic Press. 2001 [2020-09-19]. ISBN 978-0-12-227410-7. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-30).
A few ternary compounds, such as IFCl
2 and IF
2Cl, are also known [no source given]. - ^
Murthy, C. Parameshwara. University Chemistry 1. New Age International. 2008: 675. ISBN 978-8122407426.
The only two interhalogen compounds are IFCl
2 and IF
2Cl [no source given]. - ^
Sahoo, Balaram; Nayak, Nimai Charan; Samantaray, Asutosh; Pujapanda, Prafulla Kumar. Inorganic Chemistry. PHI Learning. 2012. ISBN 978-8120343085.
Only a few ternary interhalogen compounds such as IFCl
2 and IF
2Cl have been prepared [no source given]. - ^ Ignatyev, Igor S.; Schaefer, Henry F., III. Bromine Halides: The Neutral Molecules BrClF
n (n = 1–5) and Their Anions — Structures, Energetics, and Electron Affinities. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1999, 121 (29): 6904–6910. doi:10.1021/ja990144h.
[編輯]- Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements 2nd. Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann. 1997. ISBN 0-7506-3365-4.
- Kugler, H. K.; Keller, C. 'At, Astatine', system no. 8a. Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry 8 8th. Springer-Verlag. 1985. ISBN 3-540-93516-9.
- Zuckerman, J. J.; Hagen, A. P. Inorganic Reactions and Methods, the Formation of Bonds to Halogens. John Wiley & Sons. 1989. ISBN 978-0-471-18656-4.