彈道明膠(ballistic gelatin),也稱彈道凝膠(ballistic gel),是一種源自瘦豬肉的凝固明膠水溶液,因為密度和黏度與人體肌肉和軟組織相近,因此常常被用於終端彈道學中作為模擬各種遠射武器的拋射物毀傷效果的標準試驗介質,由美國軍醫、賴特曼陸軍研究所(Letterman Army Institute of Research)創傷彈道學實驗室的創始人馬丁·法克勒(Martin L. Fackler,1933~2015)研發改進[1][2][3]。雖然彈道明膠無法比擬人體肌肉的真正抗拉強度,更不能模擬皮膚和骨骼等更韌更硬的組織,但是在高速彈道測試中的模擬效果仍然良好。
[編輯]最常用的製法是將一份250A布魯姆值(Bloom)的明膠粉緩慢混入九份溫水形成10%濃度的溶液,然後冷卻至4 °C(39 °F)使其凝固。舊的北約配方則是混成20%濃度的溶液後冷卻至10 °C(50 °F),但這樣成本更高。馬丁·法克勒在1988年發表的研究論文中建議水溫不要超過40 °C(104 °F),否則會明顯影響彈道性能[4]。由天然明膠製成的彈道明膠通常為透明的棕黃色,並且是一次性使用;人工合成原料製成的明膠成本更貴,但卻無色透明更利於從外部觀察,而且有些產品可以融化後回收再用。
為了保證數據精確,通常會在使用前用氣槍對着明膠塊發射一枚BB彈,同時用彈道測速儀讀取槍口初速,結合穿透深度來進行校準。最常見的參照設置是美國移民及歸化局使用的校準法,用183 ± 3 m/s(600 ± 10 ft/s)速度射入的BB彈穿透深度應該在8.3—9.5公分(3.27—3.74英寸)之間。在《Bullet Penetration》一書中,彈道學專家鄧肯·麥克弗森(Duncan MacPherson)講述了一種當BB彈速超出預期但是在180 ± 10 m/s(591 ± 33 ft/s)以內、以及射入彈道明膠後偏離預期深度2英寸(51公釐)以內時的校準法。
[編輯]- ^ Fackler, Martin L Effects of small arms on the human body 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2012-02-18.. Letterman Army Institute of Research, California.
- ^ Massad Ayoob (May/June, 2005) Backwoods Home Magazine. Wound Ballistics, Ballistic Injury, Stopping Power, Gunshot Wounds. Firearmstactical.com. Retrieved on 2012-08-14.
- ^ Choose your ammo... police style (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館): "This resulted in the FBI Wound Ballistics Workshop of 1988 in Quantico, Virginia. Among those present were Dr. Martin Fackler, head of wound ballistics research for the US Army’s medical training center, Letterman Institute. Fackler had developed an improved ballistic gelatin model that he had scientifically correlated to swine muscle tissue, which in turn is comparable to human muscle tissue. He hypothesized that wound depth was much more important than previously thought, and recommended ammunition that could send a bullet at least twelve inches into his ballistic gelatin."
- ^ Fackler ML, Malinowski JA. Ordnance gelatin for ballistic studies. Detrimental effect of excess heat used in gelatin preparation. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 1988, 9 (3): 218–9. PMID 3177350. doi:10.1097/00000433-198809000-00008.
- ^ Breeze, J.; Hunt, N.; Gibb, I.; James, G.; Hepper, A.; Clasper, J. Experimental penetration of fragment simulating projectiles into porcine tissues compared with simulants. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2013, 20 (4): 296–299. ISSN 1752-928X. doi:10.1016/j.jflm.2012.12.007.
[編輯]- MacPherson, Duncan. Bullet Penetration: Modeling the Dynamics and the Incapacitation Resulting from Wound Trauma. El Segundo, CA: Ballistic Publications. 1994. ISBN 0-9643577-0-4.
- Fackler ML, Malinowski JA. Ordnance gelatin for ballistic studies. Detrimental effect of excess heat used in gelatin preparation. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. September 1988, 9 (3): 218–9. PMID 3177350. doi:10.1097/00000433-198809000-00008.
- Jussila J. Preparing ballistic gelatine—review and proposal for a standard method. Forensic Science International. 2004-05-10, 141 (2–3): 91–98. PMID 15062946. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2003.11.036.
- Putting Bullets to the Test, Officer.com
- 1998 INS testing procedure, detailing how ballistic gelatin is used to test service cartridges for a wide variety of situations.
- INLDT Report: Ballistic Gelatin (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Penn State Applied Research Laboratory