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政治 |
政治主题 |
政治性宗教是现代政治学的概念,特指得到强大文化和政治力量支持的、势力几可比肩国教的政府性意识形态。在理论和实践上,政治性宗教都颇类国教。 [1]在政治性宗教主导的国家中,政治性宗教和基本政治制度(如议会和选举)一道享有某种神圣的地位,并为政权提供伦理学、价值观、神话、符号、仪礼和国家历法等方面的支持。政治性宗教一般与已存的传统宗教角逐影响力,并在可能的情况下取而代之。同强调社会团结、保守色彩较浓的公民宗教相比,政治性宗教带有更为极端的变革性色彩。[2] 在学界之外,政治性宗教的概念往往遭到不同程度的误用。
- 组织结构
- 强调与其他意识形态的区别,注重身份甄别;
- 领导层强调其超越凡俗的属性、甚至带有救世主性质,往往由极富个人魅力(克里斯马)者充任首脑;
- 严密的等级结构;
- 强调对教育的把控,以确保现政体的安全、神圣性和延续性。
- 信仰
[编辑]- Eric Voegelin (1986), The Political Religions, (Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1986; 1st German ed. 1938)
- Emilio Gentile and Keith Botsford (Translator) (1996), The Sacralization of Politics in Fascist Italy, Harvard University Press
- Emilio Gentile (2005), "Political Religion: A Concept and its Critics - A Critical Survey," Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Volume 6, No. 1
- Emilio Gentile (2006) Politics as Religion, Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford
- Klaus Vondung (2005), "National socialism as a political religion: Potentials and limits of an analytical concept"[永久失效链接], Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions 6(1)
- Wolfgang Hardtwig (2001) "Political Religion in Modern Germany: Reflections on Nationalism, Socialism, and National Socialism", Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Volume 28
- Jacques Ellul,The New Demons. Trans. C. Edward Hopkin. New York: Seabury, 1975. London: Mowbrays, 1975.
[编辑]- Political Religions section of Religion Compass
- Initiative on Religion in International Affairs (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at Harvard
- Religion and Foreign Policy Initiative[失效链接] Council on Foreign Relations.
- Conference on Political religions in the modern era, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 7–9 May 2004
- Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions, "Special Issue: Political Religions as a characteristic of the 20th century" Archive.is的存档,存档日期2013-01-29, Volume 6 Number 1/June 2005, Taylor & Francis (requires subscription)