




尽管德国的宗教改革运动因为这场战役而受到打击,但之后仍然持续发展。其中,在大臣安托万·佩尔诺特·德·格朗韦勒英语Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle的游说下,神圣罗马帝国皇帝查理五世开始与新教信徒谈判,并借由签署《奥格斯堡和约》结束内战。其后,查理五世得以调动大部分的军队,在意大利战争中对抗法国军队。


  1. ^ History of Hungary (1526–1686)
  2. ^ Blockmans. Emperor Charles V (1500–1558)
  3. ^ Sandler, Stanley. Ground warfare - An international encyclopaedia. Denver-Santa Barbara: ABC Clio. 2002: 598. ISBN 1-57607-733-0. 


  • History of Hungary. Book-Series (10): History of Hungary (1526–1686), First Book. Editor in chief: Pál Zsigmond Pach; Editor: Ágnes Várkonyi R. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest. (1985). ISBN 963-05-0929-6.
  • Blockmans, Wim. Emperor Charles V (1500–1558). Translated by Isola van den Hoven-Vardon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-340-73110-9.
  • De Leva, Giuseppe. Storia documentata di Carlo V in relazione all'Italia [Documented history of Charles V in regard to Italy] III. Venice: P. Naratovich premium typography. 1867 (意大利语). 
  • Gerosa, Guido. Carlo V – Un sovrano per due mondi [Charles V – A sovereign for two worlds]. Milan: Mondadori. 1989. ISBN 88-04-33026-0 (意大利语). 
  • Oman, Charles. A History of the Art of War in the Sixteenth Century. London: Methuen & Co. 1937.
  • Robertson, William I. Storia del regno dell'Imperatore Carlo Quinto [History of the kingdom of the emperor Charles the Fifth] III. Milan: N. Bettoni publisher. 1824. 
  • Smith, Henry Preserved. The Age of the Reformation. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1920. 
