





  • 并将他们藏在自己在隔都附近的修道院。
    • 原文:hiding them in the her monastry everywhere around it.
  • 大多数人属于“消极保护”
    • 原文:were passively protective
  • 隔都犹太人生存的唯一手段是由犹太人和波兰人有组织地将食物偷运到隔都,并从隔都对外走私货物。
    • 原文:Smuggling of food into the ghettos and smuggling of goods out of the ghettos, organized by Jews and Poles, was the only means of subsistence of the Jewish population in the ghettos.
  • 又比如波兰乌克兰族中的许多人都是反犹主义者,在战争中迷失了道德准则。
    • 原文:many of whom were anti-Semitic and morally disoriented by the war.
  • 目前无法以清晰的标准界定有多少波兰人使犹太人免于纳粹迫害;学术界对此仍有争论。
    • 原文:The number of Poles who rescued Jews from the Nazi German persecution would be hard to determine in black-and-white terms, and is still the subject of scholarly debate.
  • 但是保持这些犹太人的藏身需要一群人的沉默顺从。
    • 原文:but it took the silent passivity of a whole crowd to maintain their cover.
  • 让他们得以隐姓埋名地生活,或是模糊他们的身份。
    • 原文:usually children with forged Christian birth certificates and an assumed or vague identity.
  • 一些波兰高级神职人员一贯对犹太人持有敌意的神学态度,在战前就为人所知,战争时期仍旧保持了下来。
    • 原文:Some officials in the senior Polish priesthood maintained the same theological attitude of hostility toward the Jews which was known from before the invasion of Poland.
  • 临时政府支持犹太人对德国目标的报复请求,而盟军政府会回绝这种请求。
    • 原文:and gave support to their requests for retaliation on German targets if the atrocities are not stopped – a request that was dismissed by the Allied governments.
  • 并为伦敦的流亡政府准备关于犹太人下场的文件
    • 原文:and to prepare documentation about the fate of the Jews for the government in London
  • 根据大卫·恩格尔和达利乌什·斯托拉的说法,流亡政府关注全体波兰人民的命运,致力于重新恢复独立的波兰国家,并力图让自己作为盟军之间的平等伙伴。
    • 原文:According to David Engel and Dariusz Stola, the government-in-exile concerned itself with the fate of Polish people in general, the re-recreation of the independent Polish state, and with establishing itself as an equal partner amongst the Allied forces.
  • 他指出,由于纳粹线人经常出卖地下组织成员和藏身的犹太人,因此通敌的指控较为宽泛,而判决则是因累积的罪行而通过的。
    • 原文:He notes that since Nazi informers often denounced members of the underground as well as Jews in hiding, the charge of collaboration was a general one and sentences passed were for cumulative crimes.

暂时注意到这些,可能还会更新。--ErwinTATP留言2019年6月10日 (一) 11:40 (UTC)[回复]

