調號(德語:Vorzeichen,法語:Armure,英語:Key signature)是五線譜記譜法中寫在譜號後面的變音記號,亦即標記在譜號後面的升、降號。
每個大調和小調的樂曲中都會按照調號標記的方式來升高或降低每個音符,然而也有特殊情況,例如一些巴洛克作品[3] ,或是一些在傳統的民歌曲調[4]。
[編輯]- ^ Kraus, Herbert. Das große Buch der Musiktheorie. Bonn: Voggenreiter Verlag, 2012. Seite 28. ISBN 978-3-80240-936-3
- ^ Bartel, Frank. Musiktheorie endlich verstehen. Berlin: Leu-Vlg Wolfgang Leupelt, 2015. Seiten 6-18. ISBN 978-3-89775-155-2
- ^ Schulenberg, David. Music of the Baroque. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. p. 72.. "(…) to determine the key of a Baroque work one must always analyze its tonal structure rather than rely on the key signature."
- ^ Cooper, David. The Petrie Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland. Cork: Cork University Press, 2005. p. 22. "In a few cases Petrie has given what is clearly a modal melody a key signature which suggests that it is actally in a minor key. For example, Banish Misfortune is presented in D minor, although it is clearly in the Dorian mode."
- ^ Kühn, Clemens. Musiktheorie unterrichten - Musik vermitteln. Dresden: Bärenreiter, 2006. Seiten 31-48. ISBN 978-3-76181-835-0
- ^ Charritat. Theorie de la Musique. Paris: Henry Lemoine, 2014. pp. 19-34. ISBN 979-0-23099-142-1